Event Details
Heart Healthy Women Support Group

About This Event
- Event Type:Schliemann Center for Women's Health
- Max Capacity:15
Do you have a personal or family history of heart disease? Have you experienced a heart event or undergone a heart procedure?
Heart Healthy Women is a support group led by Baxter Regional Medical Center Cardiac Rehab Coordinator Dawn Tullis, RN, that focuses on providing social and emotional support for women with heart disease as well as education on healthy lifestyle habits that promote heart health.
You are invited to join us for monthly meetings at the Schliemann Center for Women’s Health Education. Heart Healthy Women is offered free of charge to anyone wishing to join the group.
Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Enroll online, or call (870) 508-2345 today!
Contact Information:Stefany Isham, SCWHE Coordinator
Contact Phone:(870) 508-2345
Contact Email:sisham@baxterregional.org
- Price: Free
Registration Instructions:
Stefany Isham, Co-ordinator 870-508-2345 or sisham@baxterregional.org