Through the efforts of the Mruk Family Education Center on Aging, Rock Steady Boxing has come to Mountain Home! Rock Steady Boxing (RSB) is a program for those with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), and it is a great way to enhance their daily quality of life. This program has the potential to build power, strength, flexibility, and balance where it was once been lost because of this degenerative disease.
Rock Steady Boxing Mountain Home coaches have been trained in the RSB methods to help participants fight their way out of the PD corner and help them feel and function better! Non-contact boxing works because it moves the body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as participants move through the workout sessions. These classes can help anyone with PD at any stage.
The Mruk Family Education Center on Aging is excited to reach out to our Parkinson's community by offering this innovative program that is making a big difference in the lives of many people. The first step is to call the MFECOA at (870) 508-3880 to receive a new member’s packet. From there, participants will need a Primary Care Physician's authorization to participate and a referral to the Baxter Health Physical Therapy Department. After an assessment by a Physical Therapist, participants will be referred to the Rock Steady Boxing Mountain Home program and be well on their way to fighting back against Parkinson's Disease!
All classes are held at the Baxter Regional Wellness Education Center located at 2545 Hwy 5 North, Mountain Home, AR 72653
For complete details, contact Diahanne VanGulick, MFECOA Coordinator, at (870) 508-3881 or evangulick@baxterregional.org, or visit http://mountainhome.rsbaffiliate.com.