Where the relentless pursuit of excellence meets an unwavering compassion
for humanity, you’ll find the heroes of Baxter Health.
Warm, kind, and always inclusive, our heroes are collectively driven by a single purpose: to champion and deliver the best possible healthcare to every single patient, every single day. They not only have a heart for serving the community, they are active members within it. At their core, they bear a genuine love for humankind, and a staunch belief in pursuing a greater good. Anyone who meets them instantly feels welcome. Like they are family. Like they are home.
After receiving such great care at Baxter Health, many of our patients want to express their thanks to a physician, employees, or volunteer in some way. They may have noticed the special attention of a nurse, physician, therapist, technician, food service worker, volunteer, housekeeper or other caregiver during their stay or visit and wish to express their gratitude.
For a limited time, Heroes with Halos nominations will make twice the impact for Baxter Health! During the month of August, 2024, any Heroes with Halos honorarium received will be matched by Baxter Health Auxiliary up to $5,000. Join us for this matching opportunity to raise $10,000 for Baxter Health while honoring your healthcare heroes! CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE YOUR HERO TODAY!
It starts with a brochure, which describes the program, being placed in each patient room in their patient guide.
If there is someone who touched their lives in a special way during their stay at Baxter Health, they have the opportunity to honor that person with a tax-deductible gift of any amount they choose. There will also be an area where they can share their story. Donations can be made in the envelope included with the brochure, online, or by calling the Foundation office at (870) 508-1770.
When Baxter Health Foundation receives the donation, we immediately send an acknowledgement to the donor. We will set up a time to honor the employee, where a certificate will be presented by the Baxter Health President & CEO or a member of the Senior Leadership Team and a member of the Foundation staff. For each staff member receiving this, they will also be given a badge holder with the Heroes with Halos logo. A certificate of recognition will be presented each and every time an employee is honored. Additional giving envelopes are located in waiting rooms and lobbies throughout the hospital as well as in our community houses and outside clinics.
Baxter Health shares photos of all Heroes with Halos Award presentations
on screens around the hospital and post them on
And when a nurse is nominated at Baxter Health for Heroes with Halos, they will automatically be nominated for The Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses. Two DAISY Award winners will be picked quarterly based on nominations submitted by patients.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Cindy Costa, CFRE, Director of Development, Baxter Health Foundation, at (870) 508-1779 or ccosta@baxterregional.org.
Click here to nominate someone at Baxter Health for a Heroes with Halos Award
Click here to download a nomination form to be printed and faxed, mailed or Emailed