Baxter Regional Hospital Foundation’s sixth annual Masquerade Ball, a fundraiser benefiting the Baxter Health Community Health Education and Support Houses, was held Saturday, February 8, 2020, at The Sheid on the ASU-Mountain Home campus. As part of the Lend-A-Hand campaign, theMasquer80s Ball raised more than $51,134 in support of the Peitz Cancer Support House, Reppell Diabetes Learning Center, Mruk Family Education Center on Aging, and Schliemann Center for Women’s Health Education.
In 2019, more than 18,000 people passed through the four Community Health Education and Support Houses, where the majority of the services and programs are offered free of charge. The annual Lend-A-Hand campaign and fundraisers like this event ensure that the many free services of these community houses continue to be a mainstay in the Twin Lakes area. Thanks in advance for your support!