Volunteers have been a special part of Baxter Health since before it opened in 1963. Steeped in history, the enduring goals of our volunteers remain the same: to serve the community and hospital through compassion, dedication and financial support.
In addition to assisting patients, families and visitors in more than 60 areas of need, the Baxter Health volunteers’ auxiliary raises funds through the gift shop, thrift shops and fundraisers to purchase equipment for the hospital.
There are many volunteer opportunities at Baxter Health. Our volunteers assist in many fields, such as the community houses, gift shop, thrift shops, patient care, clerical, information desk, shuttle service, and special projects, just to name a few.
General meetings of the Baxter Health Auxiliary are held six times a year in February, March, April, September, November and December. Members receive notification of the location, date and time of each meeting. Each meeting consists of a special presentation, refreshments and reports from leaders in the volunteers’ auxiliary.
The qualifications considered essential for membership in the Baxter Health Auxiliary are a sincere desire to serve others, a cooperative spirit, adaptability, friendliness, a gracious manner and complete dependability. Every responsible member of an organization must bear his or her share of the work, but there are also numerous opportunities to do a little extra to enrich the lives of both the giver and the receiver. It is true that in sharing the burdens of others, one gains strength to bear his or her own.
The Baxter Health Auxiliary is open to all men and women interested in serving our hospital and providing service to others. The minimum age to volunteer is 16 years old, with parental consent. Active membership consists of persons who pledge to:
Since our volunteers’ auxiliary formed in 1962, its members have given more than $9.3 million to help meet needs of our medical center. Countless hours of service have been donated and numerous lives have been touched.
If you have questions, please contact the Volunteer Services Department at (870) 508-1064 or e-mail Becky Rose, CVM, Director of Volunteer Services, at brose@baxterregional.org.
If you are interested in joining the volunteer team at Baxter Health, click here to apply online!